Jul 2, 2010

"I must confess... that I never would have been saved if I could have helped it. As long as ever I could, I rebelled, and revolted, and struggled against God. When he would have me pray, I would not pray, and when he would have me listen to the sound of the ministry, I would not. And when I heard, and the tear rolled down my cheek, I wiped it away and defied him to melt my soul. But long before I began with Christ, he began with me."

- Charles Spurgeon

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Feb 18, 2010

16 days!!!

I just realized that I'm only 16 days away from being married! Honestly, like most girls, I've been anticipating this day for a long time. But unlike most girls, for a very different reason!

It's amazing to think about all the nights I'd spend years back, wondering if I'd every get married, and wondering who would ever be willing to take that plunge. And now that I'm here, knowing that I will be married in 16 days, and knowing that Liz is that woman who is willing to take the leap, it feels pretty stinking AMAZING!

I guess what I can learn from all this is that, worrying and wondering about what the future holds, is a complete waste of time. It's like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but it won't take you anywhere. Obviously, if I could go back in time, I'd tell myself to chill out because someday, you'll marry the girl of your dreams, but I'm not Bill nor Ted. Instead I laugh at the memory of an anxious college guy worrying and wishing.

Maybe I should try applying this lesson to other areas of my life, like my career and my finances. I can spend lots of time anxiously thinking about it, but ultimately, God has already planned it out. I just need to grab onto my most excellent wife-to-be Liz, and hold on for whatever excellent adventure God has in store.

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Nov 16, 2009

"If the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch."
- Jesus

Nov 10, 2009

The kindom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Sep 22, 2009

10 Things I Love About Lizzy

10. She's beautiful... what I'm trying to say is, she's a total babester!
9. She twirls her hair when she's thinking about something big
8. She sings songs despite her grasp on the actual lyrics
7. She tilts her head left when she looks at her outfit in the mirror
6. Her head fits perfectly on my shoulder
5. She doodles keywords of phone conversations on available paper
4. She says "Shiza Minnelli!" when something surprises her
3. She drives her Honda Civic like a NASCAR race car driver. Aggressive but always in control
2. She's super creative and artistically talented and yet she always argues me about that
1. She is my best friend

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Sep 12, 2009

Long live Punktual!

In high school, I was in a garage band called "Punktual". Apparently we were a punk rock band who strongly valued being on time... I was the lead singer, played guitar, and wrote the music. We weren't very good.

A couple days ago I was looking through some boxes and came across my notebook full of old lyrics. At the risk of total humiliation, I've decided to post the one that made me laugh the hardest. Here it is!

I jumped in my car and headed to the beach,
Crossing my fingers that I might see,
The perfect girl with golden hair,
Face of beauty beyond compare.

I smile at her and she smiles at me,
I go to say hi but I didn't see,
She was really smiling at her buff boyfriend.
He beat me up 'til my face looked like my end.

I pull myself up off the ground,
Only to be met by a horrible sound,
Of people pointing and laughing at me,
I ripped my shorts from the crotch to the knee.

I ran to my car, the people to my back,
To only find that my car had been jacked.
I threw my stuff down wanting to die,
Clenching my fists as I yelled to the sky.

I sat in the sand, in total despair,
Not realizing the girl standing there.
She came to me and asked what was wrong.
I laughed and said the story is too long.

She said that she had nothing but time...

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Sep 6, 2009

1 Corinthians 2:9
"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him"