Jun 3, 2009

South Carolina, here I come?

I hate to admit it, but I took one of those silly tests on Facebook that recommends the perfect state for you to live in, based on your answers to 10 very difficult questions. After careful consideration of my answers, it recommend I live in South Carolina, with the following explanation:

Everything from your attire to your meal choices are refined and classy. Your ideal home has blue shutters, a white picket fence, and a quaint little garden of petunias. Your typical Sunday entails sitting on your porch with a good book, breathing in the beautiful, fresh air, and sipping lemonade with your husband/wife, knowing your loyal labrador retriever is just a whistle away. You find beauty in the simple things and it doesn't take elaborate gestures and or expensive gifts to woo you, but rather, a poem or some picked flowers will make your heart melt. Family means the world to you, and once you find that special someone, you will have a love that will last a lifetime.

Aww, shucks. You're just saying that...


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